Waldorf dolls Miss Charlotte and Miss Rusty Upload

Miss Charlotte, Waldorf inspired Fiber Art doll by Louie Louie Bebe

Miss Chsrlotte, a Waldorf inspired, Fiber Art doll, by Louie Louie

Miss Charlotte, a 16" Waldorf inspired. Needle Felted Fiber Art doll

Miss Chsrlotte, a Waldorf inspired, Fiber Art doll, by Louie Louie Miss Charlotte, a Waldorf inspired, Fiber Art doll, by Louie Louie

Miss Charlotte, a 16″ Waldorf inspired, Fiber Art doll,  will be in my shop in 15 minutes. She will travel with all the clothes in the pictures, and more.

Miss Rusty, a Waldorf inspired doll by Louie Louie Bebe

Miss Rusty, a Waldorf inspired Louie Bebe doll

Miss Rusty, a Waldorf inspired, 13" Louie Bebe doll will be in my shop in 15 minutes


Miss rusty, a Waldorf inspired 13″ doll, will be in my shop in 15 minutes.

She will travel with two sets of clothes, shoes, a beautiful lined jacket, underwear and more.

More pic of miss Rusty will be posted in the morning.

Thank you!

